Presenter: Deep SenGupta
Deep SenGupta is the Chief Executive Officer of DSG Global, LLC. DSG Global is a consulting firm specializing in international business strategy and international trade compliance, helping companies of all sizes with strategies to expand their global footprint and understand complex international trade rules.
Prior to founding DSG Global, Deep co-founded FedEx’s Global trade consulting group, for over a decade and assisted over 1000 small and medium sized companies with their international trade concerns.
Prior to joining FedEx, Deep was with KPMG’s Asia Pacific Tax practice from 1997 where he helped establish KPMG’s International Trade & Customs practice in India and advised several Fortune 500 clients on market-access issues for their South-Asian operations.
Deep obtained his basic legal training (LL.B) in India and then obtained a Masters in Law-Taxation (LL.M) from the University of Washington – School of Law (2001) in Seattle, WA where he won the Graduate Tax program Merit Scholarship. Deep has also received executive education on International Trade from Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
In February 2011, Deep was appointed by the U.S Secretary of Commerce to the President’s Export Council Subcommittee on Export administration (PECSEA) to advise the Obama administration on its export control reform efforts. Deep was also appointed by 3 successive Commerce Secretaries to the District Export Council of Northern California since 2006, and currently serves on the National District Export Council. Deep is a sought-after speaker on international trade issues and addresses customers and trade associations around the country.
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